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Cecilia Robert

I blog, write, read books like crazy.

Currently reading

Carrie Butler
Strength (Mark of Nexus, #1)
Carrie Butler
Mimi Strong
Playing For Keeps (The Game, #2)
Emma Hart
The Clockwork Bluebird
First Soul (The Soul Keeper #1)
Keeley Smith
Nina Lane
Up to Me (The Bad Boys, #2)
M. Leighton
Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1)
Laini Taylor
Laura Lam

Saving Grace

Saving Grace - Annie Jones What a wonderful story! The story centres around four friends, Gayle, Rose, Naomi
and Lucy have drifted apart in the last years Naomi being the plotter and schemer in the group discovers that there is a way she can bring the group together: By convincing her friends if they could go visit Grace, is said to sit on the porch every year on the night of the Annual SplendorBelle Gala waiting for a man who stood her up over fifty years ago.

I’d say the author did a very good job in creating believable characters. And what I really enjoyed most about this was that, Christian values were nicely woven in the story without coming out as preachy. I enjoyed how the women were there for each other in times of great difficulty, loved the dialogue as well, the descriptions were well done. There were moments in the story I chucked to myself, others I was touched to the point of being misty eyed. At the end of the story, when Grace revealed what happened over fifty years ago, on the night of the Gala, I found myself reading eagerly, and later smiling, glad to finally know the truth.

Everything was tied up nicely, and I loved the Happy Ever After. After reading this to the last page, I just sighed happily.