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Cecilia Robert

I blog, write, read books like crazy.

Currently reading

Carrie Butler
Strength (Mark of Nexus, #1)
Carrie Butler
Mimi Strong
Playing For Keeps (The Game, #2)
Emma Hart
The Clockwork Bluebird
First Soul (The Soul Keeper #1)
Keeley Smith
Nina Lane
Up to Me (The Bad Boys, #2)
M. Leighton
Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1)
Laini Taylor
Laura Lam
Dark Seraphine - KaSonndra Leigh Dark Seraphine is a wonderful story, written in Caleb's POV. And Caleb has quite a sense of humour.
Caleb has been able to see The Walker's for the longest time and he has kept it secret for a while now. As the story unfolds, we see Caleb discover who he is, and the reason why he can see the Walkers and the Dark Agents--oh these ones sent shivers scattering all over my body. The twist at the end of the story was a pleasant suprise, and I look forward to reading the next book in the Trilogy. I love a good cliffhanger and this one was a good one.